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Use alternate medicines and avoid this medicine if you are allergic to itusing other medicines like long-acting beta-agonist medicineazole anti-fungal or macrolide antibioticThis medicine needs to be taken with extra precautions if you have asthma and have frequent asthma attacks.

There was an increased reporting of lower respiratory tract infectionsparticularly pneumonia and bronchitisin a 3 year study in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCOPDreceiving salmeterol/fluticasone compared with placeboIn a 3 year COPD studyolder patientspatients with a lower body mass index10

Seasonal changes can be very exciting for most peopleEach season brings with it a new set of colours and nature takes a new turnHoweverfor people with seasonal allergiesa seasonal change also comes with a set of allergiesFrom skin rashes to wheezing to breathing difficultiesthe list of symptoms can be quite longAsthma is the most common problemand the attacks can be quite bothersome with wheezing attacks and breathing troubles.

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