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Mclizin was oiginally appovd by th ood and Dug Administation (DA) in 1957 und th band nam Antivt, manuactud by Citon Phamacuticals.

Z, D. (1985). Pspctivs on th phamacothapy vtigo. Achivs Otolayngology , 111: 609-612. Sloan, P. (1989). Dizzinss in pimay ca. sults om th national ambulatoy ca suvy. Jounal amily Pactic , 29 (1): 33-38. Buk, M. (1995). Dizzinss in th ldly; tiology and tatmnt. Nus Pactition , 20 (12): 28-35. Li, J., Li, C., ply, J. & Winbg, L. (2000). Cost ctiv managmnt bnign positional retin a micro website. vtigusing Canalith positioning. Otolayngology-Had and Nck Sugy . Konk, K., Aington, M. & Manglsdo, A. (1990). Th pvalnc symptoms in mdical outpatints and th adquacy thapy. Achivs Intnal Mdicin , 150: 1685-1689. Tintti, M., Williams, C. & Gill, T. (2000). Dizzinss among old adults: A possibl giatic syndom. Annals Intnal Mdicin , 132 (5): 337-344. Physicians???i??™ Dsk nc . (1999). 53 d dition, Montval: Mdical conomics Company Inc. Cohn, B. & Vianny, dJong J. (1972). Mclizin and placbin tating vtigvstibula oigin. Achivs Nuology , 27: 129-135. Dahl, . t al. (1984). Tansdmal scopolamin, oal mclizin, and placbin motion sicknss. Clinical Phamacology and Thaputics , 36 (1): 116-120. Knndy, ., Wood, C., Gaybil, A. & McDonough, . (1966). Sid cts som antimotion sicknss dugs as masud by psychomottst and qustionnais. Aospac Mdicin , 408-411. Manning, C., Scandal, L., Manning, . & Gngo, . (1992). Cntal nvous systm cts mclizin and dimnhydinat: vidnc acut tolanc tantihistamins. Jounal Clinical Phamacology , 32: 996-1002. Hoak, ., Jons-ycwicz, C. Black, . & Shumway-Cook, A. (1992). cts vstibula habilitation on dizzinss and imbalanc. Otolayngology-Had and Nck Sugy , 106: 175-180. Shpad, N., Tlian, S. & Smith-Whlock, M. (1990). Habituation and balanc taining thapy: A tospctiv viw. Nuologic Clinics , 8(2): 459-475.

Damamin coms in twvsions with dint activ ingdints. Th is mconcn about abus th oiginal vsion Damamin, bcaus it contains th antihistamin dimnhydinat, which can caus uphoia and hallucinations at high doss.

Antivt is hlpul vtigassociatd with suddn acut vstibula asymmty du tMniai??i??s disas vstibula nuitis but should b withdawn onc th acut symptoms hav diminishd. It is not commndd complaints unstadinss, loss balanc, and disquilibium, whth vstibula oigin not. Vtiglatd tBPPV is btt tatd though Canalith positioning tchniqus.

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